Thursday, May 22, 2014

"Career Day in Pre-K"

What do you want to be when you grow up? What do you like to do? What inspires you?...All the questions I asked my lovely PreKinders before we talked about what a career is.

We have 6 PreK classes at my school and each one of us transformed our classes into a career. We had the Pet Shop, the Post Office, Kinder Music, Outside time, Construction Site, and a Pizza Restaurant. The office was even transformed into a bank !!!

Guess what? The Panda Bears transformed our classroom into a "Hospital in the Rainforest" :) (Rainforest was from a previous unit)

Our Optometrist 

The PANDAmania Gift Shop

Our Hand X-rays and Child Skeleton

Monkey ABC Letter Sequencing


Vocabulary Words

Little Pediatricians

Surgery Room

(Included in this adventurous day was a cafeteria, waiting room, and display of our project of the week: Create your own Ambulance)

 *Kudos to us*


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